
Monday, 27 August 2018

Busting Out Rhymes Isn't a Crime - Poetry Recital

Last week Friday, the 20th of August, Ruapotaka School had a poetry recital. All classes from Room 1-12 had at least three finalist. I was one of many finalists with my partner Tupouseini.

From Room 1 all the way up to Room 12 I could see the different standards each class had. For Room's 1, 5 and 6 they just had to learn and memerise a poem as for Room's 9, 10 and 12 we had to learn and memerise a poem, use expression, have a steady place and use props (optional). 

I was nervous and excited at the same time! Before Tupouseini and I started, we looked at eachother and shared a smile.

Here are all the finalist from my class, Room 12. Left to right we have Saluselo, Tyron, Tupouseini, me and Leanah.

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