Throughout this week my class has had a few refreshers. The most important refresher we had was how to be a cybersmart learner/student. We started researching on the Manakalani website for some help. Each one of us has written down at least 3 or 5 facts we learned throughout this process. I have written 5 new facts I have learned.
I have linked the sources for my ideas so, you can check them out for yourselves!
- Being able to understand the difference between private and public information. Source: Smart Footprint
- Everytime I connect, collaborate and publish things online I create a digital footprint. Source: About - Cybersmart (Sideshow, slide 15)
- Making smart, positive and supportive decisions about who I interact with online. Source: Smart Relationships
- Being able to understand copyright laws and the consequences that come with agreeing to terms and conditions. Source: Smart and Legal
- Being able to think and analyse the construction of digital media. Source: Smart Media